Saturday, March 31, 2012

Sales Rep & Videographer Needed

There are several positions that we need at the moment:

1) Sales representatives


a- Good communication skills
b- Professional in dealings with client - polite and not temperament
c- Able to use voice -wiling to discuss and negotiate with client 100% in voice
d- Wiling to introduce RL self to Nur Media management for transparency - this is to ensure that the person behind the avatar who represent Nur Media is emotionally and mentally stable to deals with client. (You never know who is behind that avatar in Secondlife- unlike in RL you are able to read their body language )
e) Able to speak English - able to speak in Spanish, Japanese and other language is a bonus.

Payment :

a) Commission base per client - please IM Nova2009 Avril for further information about the commission rate.


a) No permanent duty- you are freelancer

2) Machinimatographers/ Videographers


a) At least 1 year experience in recording machinima/video in Secondlife or other virtual world
b) Good editing skills
c) Good camera skills
d) Editing software : Sony Vegas Pro and equivalent- is not using free software.
e)Able to follow client instructions and have professional attitude
f) Able to produce good quality clips - shadows , depth of field and clear graphic
g) Not looking for artful work unless required by clients. All works must be easily view, not messy and professional looking


Fee base on project or video


No permanent duty and commitment- as long as you are able to be the videographer at the schedule and agreed time and date.

Please IM or send notecard to Nova2009 Avril for further information.

Thank you

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